30 thoughts on “Download Page

  1. gennellhall@yahoo.com

    ” thank you so, so, much nancy. I got you’re email when you said, you was going to rewrite you’re secret vendors book. I wanted it, put I knew I couldn’t afford it. So thank you, and god bless you and you’re family. I know this will help me so much .

    P.S. and all the bonuses, that you have given me.
    God bless

  2. dfarler@aol.com

    Thank you Nancy,
    I am looking forward to participating in one of your hands on workshop. I love making wreaths. Before I retired from the military, I come to know that I loved doing crafts, from scrapbooking, cake decorating and making decorative wreaths is such a joy for me. I thank you so much for being obedient to God and keeping Him in front of you. You are truly a blessing and your fruit is a testament of your perseverance. I give thanks to God for what He has done in your life and my you continue to travel the path and receive the blessings for which He has only for you. Deborah

  3. elocknish@cox.net

    Thank you Nancy for this latest version of your Secret Vendors List. I have already downloaded everything and last night I stayed up to see the new vendors in your e-book. Wow, it is just wonderful!! I have to say the vendors are very reasonable in their minimum requirements and tax id status, and I will definitely be buying from some of the new ones, and always from your most favorite vendor, which has become mine also.

    I’ll be looking at the latest video of your visit to Secret Vendor xyz today and taking many notes and item numbers down. I can’t thank you enough Nancy for your all that you do to help us be successful in our wreath making business. You keep me inspired and uplifted to never give up and to push myself to learn new designs and hone my skills that much more. You have such a beautiful Spirit and you are always giving, giving and giving of yourself to others. I thank God you came into my life and inspired me to get back to work on my florals. You are the best Nancy!!

    1. Nancy Alexander

      Thank you so much for your sweet comments. I am thrilled that you are happy with the new “My Secret Vendors”! The vendors are reasonable, aren’t they? And the minimums?… and the tax ID status? Well, I was so thrilled with it myself that I know all of you would be.

      I am going to our “favorite” location next week to film the latest video. We were so busy writing the book, that I haven’t gotten there yet, but I can assure you it will be great also!

      My goal is to inspire, and uplift each of you. And, I know that you can push as you learn new designs and skills that you never thought would be possible. Believe me… I know… because I did it.

      Thank you so much for your very kind… and sweet words. Notes like yours are what makes it all worthwhile!

      Smiles & Blessings, Nancy

  4. sophie628@aol.com

    Nancy, I should of know you would do something spectacular, when you said you were doing another Vendors List!!! This is over the top!! You have provided us with so much, hard to obtain, professional information, and easy to follow steps for a beginner to a seasoned designer. We are very fortunate and blessed more then one can imagine! I searched for years to find great suppliers, through trial and error, this is truly a treasure.
    Thank you my friend.

    1. Nancy Alexander

      Well, I had to do something over the top, now didn’t I…. LOL

      The “Secret Vendor List” was good — it was great! But when we decided to redo it, I really did want it to be the VERY BEST it could possibly be.

      And, I think it is. I am glad you’re enjoying going through it.

      Hope you are feeling much better!

      Smiles & Bessings… Nancy

  5. bosham3852@aol.com

    Everything is wonderful! So much to choose from with the Vendor Lists. No agonizing long searches on-line for supplier sites. Your videos are always so extremely helpful. Thank you for being so generous. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend.

  6. lindacdb@hotmail.com

    I am really excited to get started. I have been making wreaths and flower arrangements for a long time and your secret vendor list is just what I needed to inspire me to create some more beautiful pieces and sell them. Thank you so much for your input and expertise. It is really appreciated.

    1. Nancy Alexander

      I am so glad! The secret vendor list with all of my favorite vendors will make a huge difference in your bottom line. You’ll be able to design your wreaths at a lower cost, therefore earning more of a profit when they sell. I wish you the best in your new venture!


  7. sjmid74@yahoo.com

    I just feel like I opened a treasure chest. So many wonderful things to learn and your heart Nancy to help others with their business is the truest treasure of all.
    Thank you for all the priceless information. I am having a great time just dreaming of all the possibilities.

  8. Nancy Porter

    Thank you so much for your help in downloadIng ” My Secret Vendors”. I can’t wait to get started. My husband built me a wreath making workshop so I can organize all my items. So excited.

  9. lcroissant@aol.com

    Nancy – and team – thank you for sharing your insights in My Secret Vendors. My partner and I are very excited to take our craft business to the next level and your tips/insights are extremely valuable! Cant wait to diving into reading it in detail! Thank you once again 🙂

    1. Nancy Alexander

      That’s wonderful! I am always so excited to hear that someone is embarking on a new business. There is so much to learn and do – I know you’ll love it! Wishing you both all my best!

      Blessings, Nancy

  10. jitterbug1126@yahoo.com Sandra

    I can’t wait to see the changes in the new Secret Vendor List Nancy! I was so happy when I ‘found’ you on You Tube over 2 years ago! I realized I wasn’t done yet…I could finally do something I enjoy, instead of just doing a job. You are an inspiration to everyone, not just for your creativity and your willingness to share your knowledge and your never ending encouragement, but for being a genuine friend.

    1. Nancy Alexander

      Thank you so much for your sweet note. My Secret Vendors is the best! I was using it myself yesterday to place some orders – in this format, it is even easier for me to reach my vendors.

      I hope you enjoy it! Blessings, Nancy

  11. rjohnson@propaytexas.com

    Thank you for providing My Secret Vendors. Although I don’t make wreaths for retail, I have a large family and the best friends. They are very kind to display my wreaths in their homes and I love making new wreaths. I have made so many over the years that my sweet husband has built me rods all around my craft room as a place to keep them.

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